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200. Journal of the Bedford Branch. See Chit-Chat.
201. Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Club of Tokyo. See Shaboten Sha.
202. Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. See Cact. Succ. J. (US).
203. Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Japan. See Cactus (Kushimoto).
204. J. Cact. Succ. Soc. New Zealand. Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand. Auckland (New Zealand). Vol.1:1-13 (1947-48); special issue without volumation in Dec.1948, obviously being 2:1; 2:2 (1949)-3:7 (1950), monthly. 1:1-3 titled Cactus and Succulent Notes. Continued as Cact. Succ. J. (Auckland).
205. J. Cact. Succ. Soc. South Australia. Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of South Australia. Norwood (Australia). Early issues partly not dated and published irregularly as follows: My set starts with four issues in 1967. Oct. 1968, April 1969, July 1969. October 1969; 1970+, quarterly, without volumation. Last vol. seen: 1980. Last recd Apr.1983. Still published? GDR.
A-8. J. Echeveria Soc. Journal of the Echeveria Society. Coxcatlan (Mexico): ed. F. Otero. 2(1986)+, intended to be published quarterly. Preceded by Newslett. Echeveria Soc.
206. Journal of the Fukushima Cactus Club. See Fukushima Cact.
207 Journal of the Ishikawa Prefecture Club. See Cact. Hokuriku.
208. J. Mammillaria Soc. Journal of the Mammillaria Society. Banstead (GB). Ed. W.Maddams. 1 (1960/61), 9 issues; 2 (1962)+, bimonthly.
209. Journal of the Nara Cactus Club. See Sampote.
210. Journal of the Natal Cactus and Succulent Club. Most probably a synonym for Bull Natal Cact. Succ. Soc.
211. J. Nat. Cact. Succ. Soc. India. Journal of the National Cactus & Succulent Society of India. - Chandigarh (India). A complete set is made up of 11 parts, as follows:
Vols. 1 - 5, 1981 - 1985, two issues a year. |
Vols. 6 - 7, 1986 - 1987, one issue a year. |
The final issue not received in England until 1989. Nothing further seen.
212. Journal of the Osaka Cactus Club. See Senyuikai-Kaiho.
213. Journal of the Poole and East Dorset Branch. See Poole East Dorset Branch J.
214. J. Sempervivum Soc. Journal of the Sempervivum Society. Burgess Hill (GB). Ed. P.Mitchell. 1 (1970) - 9 (1978), 10 (1-3) 1979 quarterly. Continued as Houslekes.
215. Journal of the South African Aloe and Succulent Society. See Aloe.
216. Kakteen (Ed. H.Krainz). Stuttgart (BRD): Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung. Ed. H.Krainz. Zürich. 1956-1975, in 63 parts ('Lieferung') (a few nos. combined together as 'Doppellieferung'), to be assembled systematically. Definitely ceased. A number of early parts have been reprinted.
217 Kakteen [etc]. See also Kakt [etc],
A-71. Kakteen Sukkulenten (Dresden). Series concluded with Vol.25, 1990, Heft 1/2 and Letzte Ausgabe, received at Cactusville Aug.1991.
A-9. Kakt. Agaven Liebhaber. Kakteen und Agaven für den Liebhaber. Südheiderstedt (BRD): Kakteenversand Metzing. A single issue 1986 seen, intended to be published monthly. Consisting primarily of the seed and plant list of the editing firm.
A-72. Kakteen- und Orchideen-Rundschau. Series concluded with Vol.14 Parts 2/3, Nov.1989.
218. Kakteenfreund (Biel). Mitteilungsblatt der Kakteenfreunde Biel. Biel (CH). Ed. R.Hürlimann. No.1-4 (1953), No.5-10 (1954), No.11 (= vol. 3:11-No. 121 vol. 3:21 (1955). Volumation starting with vol.3.
219. Kakteenfreund (Mannheim). Illustrierte Monatsschrift für Kakteen. Deutsche Kakteen-Zeitung. Mannheim (D): Verlag H. F. Fda (on behalf of Kakteenfreunde Mannheim ?). 1 (1932) - 4:6 (1935), then merged with Kakteenkunde.
220. Kakteenkunde. Neudamm (D): Neumann Verlag on behalf of the Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft. 1933-1937, monthly; 1938-1943 in several parts. No volumation. 1935+ with extended title Kakteenkunde vereinigt mit dem Kakteenfreund, indicating merger with Kakteenfreund (Mannheim). Preceded by Monatssch. Deutsche Kakt. - Ges.
221. Kakteen-Zeitung. See Kakteenfreund (Mannheim).
222. Kakti u Sukkulenti Ohra. See Kakt. Sukk. Ohra.
223. Kaktos Komments. See Kakt. Komm.
224. Kaktus (Hanau). Hanau (BRD): Verein der Kakteenfreunde Hanau und Umgebung e.V. 1984+, quarterly, without volumation.
225. Kaktus (Odense). Medlemsblad for Nordisk Kaktus Selskab. Odense (Denmark). 1 (1965/66) +, bimonthly, 1980 + quarterly. Nordisk Kaktus Selskab, Meddelser is the Newsletter of this society and is normally distributed together with the journal.
A-10. Kaktus-Rundbrief. Orientierungsblatt der "Kakteenfreunde Bern". Bern (CH). No. 1(1986 [publ. Dec. 1985])+ (contains only branchaffairs of the Bern branch of the Swiss Cactus Society).
226. Kaktusar. Brno (CSSR): Astrophytum Spolek Pestitelu Kaktusu V Brne. 1 (1930) - 7 (1936), 10 issues yearly.
226a. Kaktusi in druge socnice. Friends of Cacti Society of Slovenia January 1972 - December 1997
A-73. Kaktusy Sukulenty. Series concluded with Vol.10 89, published in April 1992. Foll. by Cactaceae etc. (Bratislava).
A-11. Kaktuszkedvelok Lapla. Debrecen (HU): Kossuth Lajos Tudomanyegyetem Botanikus Kertjenek. 1(1971)+ ?.
227. Kaktuszkedvelok Szakkor Talekoztatola. See Csili.
228. Kaktusarske [etc]. See Kakt. [etc].
229. Kaktusy. Brno etc (CSSR): Zpravodaj Ceskoslovenskych Kaktusaru. 1 (1965) +, volumation officially starting with vol. 5 (1969). VoIs, 1, 2 with 7 issues each, vol.3 with 6 issues, vol.4 with 5 issues, vol.5 with 6 issues, vol.7 + bimonthly with 6 issues each.
230. Kaktusy (USSR). Alma Ata(USSR). 1972+ Astrophytum Club of Alma-Ata, U.S.S.R. More than 1 volume. I have a set from 1972 to 1979. Still published?
231. Kaktusy Kroyzku Kaktusaru. Praha(CSSR): Kroyzku 68 (1968), 5 parts; No. 69 (1969), bimonthly parts. Data on volumation incomplete. Probably followed by Vestnik [Klubu Kaktusaru Praha]. Existence not confirmed by Zavadil.
232. Kaktusy Sukkulenty a Jejich Pestovani. Praha(CSSR): Spolku Kaktusaru v C.S.R., ed. J. Seidl. A book issued in 5 parts in a Czech gardening journal: No.1-2 (1923), No.3-5 (1924) (164 pp. in total). Zavadil. Cactus (Paris) 16(70): 95.
233. Kaktusy Sukkulenty. Bratislava (CSSR): Klub Kaktusarov v Bratislave. 1 (1980)+, quarterly. ZSS.
234. Kaktusz Vilag. Magyar Kaktusz Magazin, Succulentarium Hungaricum. Budapest (Hungary): National Hungarian Cactus Society. 1 (1971) - 5: 1-2 (1975), bimonthly. Publication resumed with the new sub-title A Magyar Kaktuszgyüjtök Orszagos Egyesületenek Tajekoztatola, 1977-1979, quarterly without volumation. No.2(1977) titled Hazai Kaktusz Tukor No.3 (1977) titled Magyar Kaktusz Hirado. 'Series Nova' (published in Debrecen), 1978+, with variable no. of issues and without volumation (1979 3 nos., 1981 nos. 1-2 in 1 issue, 1982 1 no.). Preceded by Kaktuskedvelök Szakkör Tajekoztatoja. Relation with Cslli unclear and probably continuing independently (Zöpf).
235. Kaktuszkedvelb Szakkdr Tajekoztatoja. Budapest (Hungary): Pester vasa muvelodesi has kaktuszkedvelo sakkoreneck. 1 (1964) -8 (1971), quarterly or monthly (early vols. with varying no. of issues). Followed by Kaktusz Vilag. Relation with Cslli unclear.
236. Kakt.-Almanach. Kakteen-Almanach. Neudamm (D). 1939. No data available. GDR.
237. Kakt. and. Sukk. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten. Titisee Neustadt(BRD): Published jointly by Deutsche KakteenGesellschaft, Gesellschaft österreichischer Kakteenfreunde and Schweizerische Kakteen-Gesellschaft. 1 (1949/50), 5 issues; 2 (1951) - 3 (1952), quarterly; 4 (1953) - 6 (1955), 3 issues yearly; 7 (1956), bimonthly; 8 (1957) +, monthly. ISSN 0022-7846. Vols. 1-7 published at various places by Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft only. In part preceded by Mitt.Schweiz.Kakt.-Ges. and Nachr. -Blatt Deutsche Kakt. - Ges.
238. Kakt. and. Sukk. (Berlin). Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten. Berlin (D): Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft. 1 (1937) -2:3 (1938), monthly.
239. Kakt. and. Sukk. (Dresden). Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten. Arbeitsmaterial für Fachgruppen und Interessen gemeinschaft. Dresden (DDR): Kommission Natur-und Heimatfreunde, Präsidialrat des Deutschen Kulturbundes. 1 (1964), 3 issues; 2 (1965), quarterly. No.2:4 (1965) with erroneous page numbering. Continued as Kakt./Sukk.
240. Kakt. and. Sukk. (Titisee-Neustadt). See Kakt. and. Sukk.
241. Kakt. Komm. Kaktos Komments. Houston (USA): Houston Cactus and Succulent Society. 1 (1963), 3 issues; 2 (1964)+, 11 issues yearly. Last issue seen: 13:7 (1975). GDR.
242. Kakt. Listy. Kaktusarske Listy. Praha etc(CSSR): Majitel a Vydavtel, Spolku Pestitelu Kaktusu v R.C.S. 2 (1926) - 15 (1941), yearly (1941, 4 issues without volumation); 1948-50, 10 issues yearly without volumation; 16 (1951), 10 issues. Vols. for 1931 and 1932 both marked as "vol. 7". Preceded by Casopsis Spolku Pestitelu Kaktusu v C. S. R.; for 1946-47 see Zpravy, Ceskolosvenske Katusarske Spolecnosti.
243. Kakt. Obzor. Kaktusarsky Obzor. Praha (CSSR): Uydava Vlastnim Nakladem, Sdruzeni Kaktusaru. 1 (1930) - 2 (1931), monthly.
244. Kakt. Orch.-Rundschau. Kakteen- und Orchideen-Rundschau. Lübeck(BRD): Ed. H.H.Kunzmann (published privately but distributed to various libraries on an exchange basis). 1 (1975/76)+, bimonthly. ISSN 0174-7088.
245. Kakt.-Rundschau. Kakteen-Rundschau. Lübeck (BRD): Ortsgruppe Lübeck of Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft. 1969-1973. Bimonthly. Early issues entitled Lübecker Kakteen-Zeitschrift.
246. Kakt. Sbornik. Kaktusy Jubiljni Sbornik. Praha/div. loc. (CSSR): Kaktusy Praha (various other branches also involved). Irregular anniversary issues to commemorate the foundation of a Czech Cactus Society in 1922 or 1923 ('Spolku ceskych kaktusaru v Praze'). Issues seen: 1948, 1962, 1968, 1972.
247. Kakt./Sukk. Kakteen/Sukkulenten. Dresden (DDR): Arbeitskreis Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten, Zentraler Fachausschuss Botanik. 1 (1966) +, quarterly (later vols. consisting of 4 issues published irregularly). Preceded by Kakt. and. Sukk. (Dresden).
248. Kakt. Sukk. Ohra. Kakti u Sukkulenti Ohra. Magazine of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Malta. Zejtun (Malta): Cactus and Succulent Society of Malta. No. 1(1963) entitled Sukkulenti. Words "of Malta" dropped from Society's name in 1979 in accordance with new Maltese legislation. No volumation. Issues published yearly and numbered consecutively. Last recd no. 26 (1984).
249. Kambroo. Newsletter of the South African Aloe and Succulent Society. Pretoria (RSA). 1 (1979), Nos. 1-2; 2 (1980), Nos. 1-4; both vols. given as 'International Edition'. 7 (1982) +, bimonthly (incorporating Newslett. S. African Aloe Succ. Soc. and continuing the volumation of that). Alternative sub-title: Nuusbrief van die Suid-Afrikaanse Aalwyn- en Vetplantvereniging.
A-74. Kambroo. 1976+ Bimonthy from Feb.1976. For full collation see G. F. Smith in Bradleya 7: 78 ,1989 and Aloe 27(1): 14-18, 1990.
249a. Kambroo-International Edition. 1979-1980. Separate from Kambroo, and issued with it to subscribers outside R.S.A.
250. Kern Kaktiletter. Bakersfield (USA): Kern Cactus and Succulent Society. 1964-1965. No data on no. of issues or volumation available.
251. Kettering Kactus. - Desborough (GB): Kettering Branch, NCSS. Vol.1 No.1 Mar.1965 was produced in a limited edn of 4 copies, passed around amongst Branch members., quarterly; 4to., earliest issues typewritten or gelatin-bed duplicated and now barely readable; some issues undated. Finished Dec.1974 with Vol.10 No.4.
252. Kingston Branch Newslett. Kingston Branch Newsletter. Kingston-upon-Thames (GB): Kingston Branch, NCSS. 1 (1971) +, yearly irregular.
253. Kringblad voor Lie fhebbers van Cactussen en andere Succulen ten. See Cact. Wereld.
254. Letzeb. Cacteefren. De Letzebueger Cacteefren. Luxemburg (L): Association Luxembourgoise des Amateurs de Cactacées. 1 (1980) +, monthly (vol.3 with 11 issues only). Spelling variant of title: Letzeburger Kaktussefrenn.
255. Leuchtenbergia. (NL). Floruit 3(1982), no further data available. [Succulenta 1983, p.91].
256. Lit.-Schau Kakt. Literaturschau Kakteen. Berlin (DDR): Kulturbund der DDR, Zentraler Fachausschuss Kakteen/Sukkulenten. 1 (1977) - 6 (1982, pub). 1983), originally quarterly, but often with 2 nos. combined into a single issue, published irregularly. Last vol. in a single issue.
257. Little Cact. Corn. Little Cactus Corner. Milwaukee (USA): Milwaukee Cactus and Succulent Club. 1 (1965) - 2:10 (1966), monthly.
258. London Branch Bull. London Branch Bulletin. London (GB): London Branch, NCSS. 1(1968), quarterly. 4 issues only; series ended with Vol.1. No.4, Nov.1968. 4to. mimeographed. First issue with the title Bulletin of the London Branch. Preceded by a quarterly newsletter London Branch Newsletter? GDR.
259. London Branch Newsletter. - London (GB): London Branch, NCSS. December 1948, erratically, with 3-5 issues per year (6 in 1950; only 2 traced for 1966); foolscap, mimeographed. Last seen: Sept.-Dec.1967. No volumation or part numbers. See London Branch Bull
A-40. Long Beach Cact. Club. (Bull.). Long Beach Cactus Club (Bulletin). Long Beach Cactus Club, U.S.A. 19..? Apparently monthly. I have only 3 issues for 1969.
260. Los Angeles Cact. Chron. Los Angeles Cactus Chronicle. Los Angeles (USA): Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent Society. 1 (1941) +, quarterly (according to Cactus (Paris) 13 (58) 105, and to Zöpf, starting in 1952 and published monthly).
A-41. Lübecker Kakteen-Zeitschrift. See no. 245 above.
261. Maandblad van Belgische Vereniging van Cactus- en Vetplanten-liefhebbers. See Cactusweelde.
262. Maandblad gewid an de Studie, het Verzamelen an Kweeken van Succulente Planten. See Succulentenkunde.
263. Maandblad van de Nederland Vereeniging van Liefhebbers van Cactussen en Vetplanten. See Cact. Vetpl
264. Maandblad van de Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging van Liefhebbers van Cactussen en andere Verplanten. See Succulenta.
265. Maandehlke Nuusbrief. Suid Afrikaanse Aalwyn- en Vetplant Vereniging. See Monthly Newslett. (SAASS).
A-78. Mabukuwene Bulletin - Bulawayo (Zimbabwe): Mabukuwene Abe Society. Vol.1 No.1, n.d. (January 1992). A5; successor to The Gem.
266. Magazine of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Malta. See Kakt. Sukk. Ohra.
267. Magyar Kaktusz Hirado. See Kaktusz Vilag.
268. Magyar Kaktusz Magazin. See Kaktusz Vilag.
269. Magyar Kaktusgyüitök Orszagos Egyesületenek Talekoztatola. See Kaktusz Vilag.
270. Mammillaria. Praha (CSSR): Kaktusaru Praha, zpravodaj sekce Mammillariofilu. 1971+, no data on volumation available. Issues numbered consecutively, only nos. 20 (1973) and 21 (1974) seen. GDR.
271. Mammillariae. Sometimes given for Inform. -Brief ZAG Mammillaria.
A-79. Die Mammillariae. Beilage zum Informationsbrief der Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mammilarien. Kulturbund der DDR. Supplement to Inform.-Brief ZAG Mammillaria, q.v. AS, annual, irregular. 1: May 1985; 2: July 1986; 3: Oct 1986; 4: Dec.1988. Issues 1- 3 with 16 bose pages and colour plates of separate species; issue 4 with 18 plates.
272. Mancunian Cact. Mancunian Cactivities. Manchester(GB): Manchester Branch, NCSS. 1:1 (1965), Quarterly from Oct. 1965. I have vol. 1 nos. 1-4. Probably no further issues.
273. Meddelser, Nordisk Kaktus Selskab. See Kaktus (Odense).
A-80. Mededeelingen van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Vetplantenverzamelaars "Succulenta". Hamersveld (NL). B5. No volumation or part numbers. 1946: 4 issues. Newsletter edited by A.F.H. BUINING to bridge the wartime gap while Succulenta could not be printed in full. There may be further issues.
274. Medlemsblad for Nordisk Kaktus Selskab. See Kaktus (Odense).
A-12. Mesemb Study Group Bull. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin. Brighton (GB): ed. S. Mace. 1 (1986) +, quarterly. ISSN 0955-6276
275. Mesicnik Kaktusarske. Praha (CSSR). 1922+, monthly. Ceased when? CSJA 3: 299. Not confirmed by Zavadil.
276. Minimus. Praha (CSSR): Notocactus Study group, Ktrktusaru Praha. 1971+, no data on volumation available. Neumann 3: 12.
277. Mittellungen der Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Kakteenfreunde. See Mitt. Schweiz. Kakt. Ges.
278. Mitt. Ortsgruppe Zürich. Mitteilungen. Ortsgruppe Zürich. Zürich (CH): Ortsgruppe Zürich der Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Kakteenfreunde. Floruit 1940-1942 with probably 11 nos. yearly. 1963-1965, monthly-bimonthly (1963 6 issues, 1964/65 7 issues?). Contents: Only notes on branch affairs.
279. Mitt. Schweiz. Kakt.-Ges. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Kakteen-Gesellschaft. Zürich (CH). 1 (1942), 6 issues; 2 (1943) -15 (1956), monthly. Vols.1-3 titled Mittellungen der Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Kakteenfreunde. Followed by Kakt. and. Sukk.
280. Mittellungen, Vereinigung der Kakteenfreunde Würtembergs. See VKW Mitt.
A-13. Mitt. Ges. österreich. Kakt.-Freunde. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Kakteenfreunde. Wien (A). FI. 1:4(1937). ZSS.
281. Mitteilungsbl. AfM. Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises für Mammillarienfreunde e. V. MUnster (BRD). 1977+, bimonthly, without volumation. ISSN 0172-875x. Various supplemental issues ('Sonderdruck') published. See Mitteilungsbl. Arbeits. Mammillaria for a precursor.
282. Mitteilungsbl. Arbeits. Mammillaria. Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises Mammillaria. Buchschlag (BRD): Ed. M.Fiedler on behalf of the Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft. No. 1 (1972). See Mittellungsbl. AfM for subsequent issues.
283. Mitteilungsbl. Ges. österr. Kakt.-Freunde. Mitteilungs blatt der Gesellschaft österreichischer Kakteenfreunde. Wien (A). 1 (1957)+, 11 issues yearly.
284. Mitteilungsblatt der Kakteenfreunde Biel. See Kakteenfreund (Biel).
285. Mittellungsblatter für Kakteenfreunde. See Stachelpost.
A-14. Mittelstachel. Der Mittelstachel. Würzburg (BRD): Ortsgruppe Würzburg der DKG, ed. F. Schröter. 1(1983/84), 2(1984/85), 3(1985), 5(1985/86), published irregularly.
286. Monaco Cactus. Bulletin semestriel de la Societe des Amis des Cactées et Plantes Grasses de Monaco. Monte Carlo (Monaco). No.1 (1938), No.2 (1939). GDR.
287. Monatsschr. Deutsche Kakt.-Ges. Monatsschrift der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft. Berlin (D). 1 (1929) - 4 (1932), monthly (?). Preceded by Zeitschr. Sukk.-Kunde, followed by Kakteenkunde.
288. Monatsschrift für Kakteen. See Kakteenfreund (Mannheim).
289. Monatsschr. Kakt.-Kunde. Monatsschrift für Kakteenkunde. Berlin (D): Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft. 1 (1891) - 32 (1922), monthly. Followed by Zeitschr. Sukk. -Kunde.
290. Monthly Bulletin of the Colorado Cactophiles. See Cactophiles Cactivities.
291. Monthly Newslett. (SAASS). Pretoria (RSA): South African Aloe and Succulent Society. Mimeographed, floruit 1970, no volume numbering. Probably continued as Newslett S. African Aloe Succ. Soc. Alternative title: Maandelilke Nuusbrief.
292. Monthly Not. Cact. Succ. Monthly Notes on Cacti and Other Succulents. Worthing (GB): W.T.Neale & Co. (ed. E.Lamb). 1948-1949, monthly, numbered consecutively 1-24. Some issues titled 'Monthly Notes' only. Title then changed to Monthly Notes on 'The Exotic Collection' of Cacti and Other Succulents; 1950-1955, monthly, volumes and issues not numbered. Title then changed to Monthly Notes on 'The Collection' of Cacti and Other Succulents; 1956-1957, monthly, volumes and issues not numbered. Through the whole period, with each issue, a number of 'Reference Plates' is distributed, which are to be assembled according to a code system. The plates are not dated. Followed by Monthly Not. Exot. Coll.
293. Monthly Not. Exot. Coll. Monthly Notes on the 'Exotic Collection'. Worthing (GB): W.T.Neale & Co. (ed. E. & B.M.Lamb). 1958+, monthly, volumes and issues not numbered. Cover title is 'The Exotic Collection'. Sub-titles have varied: 'Cacti-Other Succulent Plants' 1958-61; 'Cacti-Exotic-and Other Succulent Plants' 1962-1963; 'Cacti-Succulents and Other Exotic Plants' 1964-1976, then sub-title dropped altogether. With each issue, a number of 'Reference Plates' are distributed, which are to be assembled (together with those supplied with the predecessor) according to a code system. The plates are not dated. Preceded by Monthly Not Cact. Succ.
292, 293. Neale's Photographic Reference Plates. 1949+ Issued with the Monthly Notes from the start of the 2nd. year of the Notes. 4 plates each month 1949-1952; 2 plates each month 1953+.
294. Nachr. Steir. Kakt.-Freunde. Nachrichten der steirischen Kakteenfreunde. Knittelfeld (A). 1 (1965) - 15 (1979), early vols. with 10 issues yearly, later vols. quarterly.
295. Nachr.-Blatt Deutsche Kakt.-Ges. Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft. Nürnberg (BRD). 1 (1950) - 2 (1951), 10 issues yearly; 3 (1952) - 7 (1956), 59 issues yearly. Followed by Kakt. and. Sukk.
296. Natal Cactus and Succulent Club Journal See Journal of the Natal Cactus and Succulent Club.
297. Natal Cactus and Succulent Club Newsletter. See Newslett. Natal Cact Succ. Club.
298. National [etc]. See Nat [etc).
299. Nat. Cact. Succ. J. National Cactus and Succulent Journal. Bradford (GB): NCSS. 1 (1946) - 37 (1982), quarterly. Vol.1, nos. 1 and 2 titled Yorkshire Cact J. ISSN 0027-8858. Merged with Cact Succ. J. Gr. Brit and continued as British Cact Succ. J.
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