The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

List of Periodicals Devoted to Succulent Plants (100-199)


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100.   Cact. Points. Cactus Points. Delta (USA): Southern Cactus Fanciers Association. 1 (1955/56) - 11 (1965), monthly (except vol.8 with 15 issues, vol.9 with 2 issues and vol.11 with 11 issues). Some issues without volumation. 1955-1966. From Vol. 1 to vol. 2 no. 10 (Aug. 1957) entitled The Cactus Club Bulletin. Last issue appeared Jan.1966.

101.   Cact. Romand. Cactus Romand. Prilly (CH). 1967-1968. Societes Romandes des Cacteophiles, Switzerland. Only 3 parts issued, numbered con- secutively: no. 1 (Dec. 1967); 2 (Apr.1968); 3 (Dec. 1968).

102.   Cact. Sticker. Cactus Sticker. Las Vegas (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of Las Vegas. 1971-1976. Monthly, except July & August, from Feb.1971; publication ceased in 1976.

103.   Cact. Suc. Mex. Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas. Mexico D.F.: Sociedad Mexicana de Cactologia. 1 (1955/56) +, quarterly (vol.1 bimonthly).

104.   Cact. Succ. Cactos y Succulentos. San Diego (USA): San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society. 1 (1965) - 2:9 (1966) (vol.1 with 5 nos.). Followed by Espinas y Flores.

105.   Cact. Succ. Bull. Cactus and Succulent Bulletin. Adelaide (Australia): Australian National Convention. Only No.1 (1958) seen. (Proceedings of 1st National Convention). GDR. No. 2 (1970) according to Zöpf.

105.   Cactus and Succulent Bulletin. 1968+ Proceedings of the Australian National Convention of Cactus & Succulent Societies. Later called Australasian Convention, to indude New Zealand societies. Last issued every 2 years, each issue published by the Organisation hasting the Convention. 1- Adelaide; 2- Melbourne; 3-Sydney; 4-Brisbane; 5-Perth; 6- Adelaide. Last recd. na. 6 (1978).

106.   Cactus and Succulent Garden News. [in Japanese] (Japan): Published by a private Botanical Garden. Floruit 1955 (autumn). No data available. GDR.

107.   Cact. Succ. Inf. Exchange. Cactus and other Succulent Information Exchange. Burnaby (Canada): 'Cactus Group', South Burnaby Garden Club. 1 (1967/58) +, monthly (vol. 1 with 13 issues). Vol.3 + titled Cactus and Succulent Information Exchange.

108.   Cact. Succ. J. (Auburn). Cactus and Succulent Journal. Auburn (earlier Kingsford) (Australia): Cactus and Succulent Society of New South Wales. 1 (1957) +. Quarterly. Each vol. consists of 8 issues.

109.   Cact. Succ. J. (Auckland). Cactus and Succulent Journal. Auckland (New Zealand): Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand. 3:8 (1950) - 6:5 (1953), monthly. Preceded by J. Cact. Succ. Soc. New Zealand, continued as New Zealand Cact. Succ. J. BCSS.

110.   Cact. Succ. J. (US). Cactus and Succulent Journal (U.S.). Pasadena (later Reseda, then Santa Barbara (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of America. 1 (1929/30)- 10(1938/39), monthly; 11 (1939) monthly with 6 issues per vol.; 12 (1940) - 20 (1948), monthly 21 (1949) +, bimonthly. Vol. 1-2 titled Journal of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. See also following entries for additional publications by this society.

111.   Cact. Succ. J. (US), Aff. Rep. Cactus and Succulent Journal (U.S.), Affiliate Reporter. (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Floruit 7(1971) +, bimonthly.

111(2).   Affiliate Reporter. 1965-1982. (Continued as CSSA Newsletter.) Bimonthly, from Jan.1965. My set not to hand, so am unable to check when changed to monthly.

112.   Cact. Succ. J. (US), Amateur Bull. Sect. Cactus and Succulent Journal (U.S.), Amateur Bulletin Section. Pasadena (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of America. 1(1942), 12 nos.

113.   Cact. Succ. J. (US), CSSA Newsletter. See CSSA Newslett.

114.   Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. Cactus and Succulent Journal of Great Britain. Div. loc.(GB): Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain. 8:3 (1946) - 44 (1982), quarterly. ISSN 007-9375. Preceded by Cact. J. (Croydon), merged with Nat. Cact. Succ. J. in 1983 and continued as British Cact. Succ. J.

115.   Cactus and Succulent Journal of the Gumma Cactus Club. See Shaboten Gumma.

116.   Cactus and Succulent Journal of New South Wales. See Cact. Succ. J. (Auburn).

A-29.   Cact. Succ. Newslett. Cactus and Succulent Newsletter. Cact. Succ. Soc. of South Australia, Adelaide. 1964+ Monthly, from July 1964. Vol. 1 nos. 1-16 (1964-1965); vol. 2 nos. 1-12 (1966); thereafter dated but no volume or part numbers. Last recd Apr.1983.

117.   Cactus and Succulent Notes. See J. Cact. Succ. Soc. New Zealand.

A-3.   Cact. Succ. Pl. Acclimat. Cactus, Succulentes et Plantes d'Acclimatacion. Reze (F): Association des Amateurs des Plantes de Serres et d'Acclimatacion. 1 (1986)+, bimonthly. Preceded by Cactus (Bruxelles).

A-30.   Cact. Succ. Rev. Cactus and Succulent Review. Vancouver, Canada. 1986+ Bimonthly, from Aug.1986.

A-31.   Cact. Succ. Soc. Malta Mag. Cactus and Succulent Society of Malta Magazine. Cact. Succ. Soc. Malta. 1955-19..? Quar- terly from Dec. 1955. I have nothing later than vol. 1 no. 5 (Dec. 1956).

118.   Cact. Succ. Year Book. Cactus and Succulent Year Book. Southampton (GB): Southampton Branch, NCSS. 1 (1983) +, yearly.

119.   Cactus Talk for Cactophiles. See Spine Spiel.

120.   Cact. Tokyo. Cactus Tokyo. Tokyo (Japan): Tokyo Cactus Club. 1958+, several consecutively numbered issues per year (nos. 1-6 (1958) without volumation, nos. 7-10 (1958) apparently monthly); last issues seen 211-212. Probably preceded by Shaboten Sha. Neumann reports Nos. 7-8 (1955), 9-12 (1956), 13-16 (1957), 17-20 (1958), 22-24 (1959), 26 (1960).

121.   Cact. Toyama. Cactus Toyama. Toyama (Japan): Toyama Cactus Club. Only issue seen: no. 10 (1958). No further data available. GDR.

122.   Cact. Vetpl. Cactussen en Vetplanten. Maandblad van de Nederland Vereeniging van Liefhebbers van Cactussen en Vetplanten. Amsterdam (NL). 1 (1935) - 3 (1937), monthly; 4 (1938) - 5 (1939), 11 issues yearly; 6 (1940) - 8 (1942), bimonthly; 9 (1943), only a single issue published. Probably also the title of a Dutch periodical started in 1983.

A-4.   Cact. Vetpl. (Wijnegem). Cactussen en Vetplanten. Tijdschrift van de Belgische vereniging voor Liefhebbers van Cactussen en andere Vetplanten. Wijn�gem (B): ed. E. van Hoofstadt. 1(1984)+, bimonthly.

123.   Cact. Wereld. Cactus Wereld in 't Klein, Kringblad voor Liefhebbers van Cactussen en andere Succulenten. Zaandam (NL): Succulenta Zaanstreek. 1 (1973) +, issue numbered as vol.1, later issues unnumbered and undated (last issue seen c. June 1975).

124.   Cactus-Flora. (NL). Floruit 7(1982), monthly ? No further data available. [Succulenta 1983, p.91].

125.   Cactusvrienden. Antwerpen(B): Belgische Vereniging voor liefhebbers van cactussen en kamerplanten. 1 (1961)+, monthly.

126.   Cactusweelde. Maandblad voor liefhebbers door liefhebbers ter bevoerdering van de cactus- en vetplantenkweek. Antwerpen (B): Belgische Vereniging van liefhebbers. 1 (1955)- 12 (1966), monthly. A sub-title Maandblad van belgische vereniging van Cactus- en Vetplantenliefhebbers was added later. Various supplements ('bijlage') have been published under the titles Cactusweelde Nieuwsblad or Nieuwsblad Cactusweelde. Continued as Tildschr. Int. Succ. -Liefheb.

127.   Cactusweelde Nieusblad. See Cactusweelde.

128.   Calandrinia. Port Elizabeth (Australia): Succulent Publications of South Australia. 1 (1980), 2 (1982) +, irregularly. Each vol. consists of a single issue of about 90 pages.

A-60.   Calyx Brighton (GB): P.V. Heath, 9 Hazeldene Meade, Brighton, BN15LR. Monthly from May 1992 to May 1993; 13 parts AS. For review see Taxon 42:286-287, 1993.

A-33.   Cardiff Branch Newslett. Cardiff Branch Newsletter. Cardiff Branch, National Cact. Succ. Soc., U.K. 1(1973)+, quarterly. Last recd vol. 4, no. 2 (Jul. 1977). Still published?

129.   Casopsis Spolku Pestitelu Kaktusu V C.S.R. Praha (CSSR). 1 (1925), monthly. Continued as Kakt. Listy.

130.   Chelmsford Branch Newslett. Chelmsford Branch Newsletter. Chelmsford (GB): Chelmsford Branch, NCSS. 1971+, monthly (later irregular or yearly). No volumation.

131.   Chileans. Hetton-le-Hole(GB): Study Group of the Neoporteriinae (ed. H.Middleditch). 1 (1966)+, 3 nos. yearly, later irregular-yearly. Issues numbered consecutively. Full title: 'The Chileans'.

132.   Chileans Yearb. Chileans Yearbook. Hetton-le-Hole (GB): Study Group of the Neoporteriinae (ed. H. Middleditch). 1967*, yearly. Publication ceased?

133.   Chit-Chat. Journal of the Bedford Branch of the National Cactus and Succulent Society. Bedford (GB). 1 (1968) - 5 (1972), quarterly.

A-33.   Chit Chat (Johannesburg). Chit Chat. Plant Rescue Society, Johannesburg, R.S.A. 1970+ Numbered consecutively. Several issues a year, but irregular. Last recd no. 63 (Feb.1977).

134.   Chronicle. Newsletter of Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent Society. Los Angeles (USA). Floruit 1983. [CSSA Newslett. 1983: 6].

135.   Chrudimsky Kakt. Chrudimsky Kaktusar. Chrudim (CSSR): Klub Kaktusaru Chrudim. Floruit 1982. Data on volumation not available, but probably starting in 1979, and published yearly without volumation. A jubilee volume '1971-1981' was published in 1981. GDR.

136.   Circulo de Coleccionistas de Cactus. See Bol. Inform.

A-34.   Coastal Bend Cact. Succ. Soc. Bull. Coastal Bend Cactus and Succulent Society Bulletin. Coastal Bend Cact. Succ. Soc., Corpus Christi, U.S.A. 1970-1983. Monthly. Included in Star to Star (a monthly periodical comprising regular bulletins submitted by a number of local hobby groups) from Apr.1970 to Sep. 1983.

137.   Colorado Cact. Cactiv. Colorado Cactophiles Cactivities. Denver (USA). 1967-1971, 1 (1972) - 7 (1978). Preceded by Cactophiles Cactivities, continued as Colorado Cact. Succ. Soc. [Newslett.].

138.   Colorado Cact. Succ. Soc. [Newslett.]. Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society (Newsletter). Denver (USA). 1 (1981) +, monthly. Preceded by Colorado Cact. Cactiv., with a gap in publication 1979-1980?

139.   Colorado's Cactus Journal and Succulent Bulletin. See Spine

A-5.   Communique. Newsletter of the San Gabriel Valley Cactus and Succulent Society. FI. 1985 (see CSSA Newslett. 1985, p. 90). Volumes numbered but partly not dated or vice versa.

140.   Conophytum J. Conophytum Journal. Tokyo (Japan): Conophytum Society of Japan. 1 (1966) +, yearly.

141.   Conophytum Photo Plates. Tokyo (Japan): Conophytum Society of Japan. 1966+, irregularly, numbered consecutively. Neumann 1: 20. Probably also titled Conophytum Photo Journal according to Zöpf.

142.   Convention Bulletin. See Cact. Succ. Bull.

A-61.   Crassula Watch Wareham (GB): Freshwater Biological Association, River Laboratory, East Stoke, Wareham, Dorset BH2O6BB. No.1 Nov.1987; No.2 Nov.1988; No.3 Nov.1990. B5; no volumation. Set up to monitor the spread of Crassula helmsii in Britain.

143. (314).   Crawley Branch Newslett. Crawley Branch Newsletter. Crawley (GB): Crawley Branch, NCSS. Monthly, from 1966.

144.   Croydon Branch Newslett. Croydon Branch Newsletter. Croydon (GB): Croydon Branch, NCSS. Quarterly. No volumation, issues numbered consecutively. January 1959, four issues a year, no volumation, issues numbered consecutively; after 1960 erratic with 3 to 6 issues per year; foolscap, mimeographed. Last seen: No. 59, Sept.1971.

145.   Csili. Kaktuszkedvelö Szakkör Tajekoztatoja. Budapest (Hungary). 1972+, quarterly. Volumation starting with vol. 16 (1980). Last issue seen: no.4 (1981), publ. 1982.

145, 456.   Csili Kaktuszgyüitö Szakkör. 1964+ Magyar Kaktusz-gyujtak Orszagas Egyesulete, Budapest. 1(1964) +, monthly, but sometimes 2 or 3 issues appeared together as double or triple numbers. The title Tajekaztataja was intraduced later, and might have been a separate publicatian that eventually merged with Csili. On later issues both titles appear together an the covers. Last recd 1981. My set (lacks vols. 1-2) not to hand for further details.

146.   CSSA Newslett. CSSA Newsletter. Laundale (USA): Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Floruit 19 (1983)+, bimonthly.

147.   Cuttings and Clippings for Cactuslovers. See Spine Spiel.

148.   Desert. See Desert. Pl. Life.

149.   Desert. Pl. Life. Desert Plant Life. Pasadena (USA): Desert Magazine Publishing Company (American Succulent Societies, Cactus and Other Succulent League, etc.). 1 (1929/30) - 5 (1933/34), monthly; 6 (1934), 8 issues; 7 (1935) - 10 (1938), monthly; 11 (1939) - 22 (1950), 10 issues yearly; 23 (1951), quarterly; 24 (1952), 3 issues. Early vols. (prior to Vol.4) titled Desert. BCSS.

150.   Desert Pl. Superior (USA): Boyce Thompson Arboretum, University of Arizona. 1 (1979/80) +, quarterly.

151.   Deutsche Kakteen-Zeitung. See Kakteenfteund (Mannheim).

A-36.   Dinteranthus. See no. 305 below.

152.   Dodonaeus. Periodique bimensuel de Cacteophiles. Bruxelles (B): Belgische Vereniging Cactusweelde. 1 (1963) - 6 (1968), bimonthly (early vols. quarterly ?). Original subtitle Drilmaandelijkes tildschrift van afdeeling Duffel en omgeving van de Belgische Vereniging Cactusweelde. Part of vols. probably in concurrent Flemish and French editions. Subsequently published as Dutch part of Cactus (Antwerpen etc).

153.   Doyo Kai. Tokyo (Japan). Monthly, no further data available. Zöpf. [KuaS 1966:198].

154.   Echinocereanae. Official Bulletin of the Echinocereanae Society. Mitcham (Australia). 1:1 (1968), no further issues seen. GDR.

155.   Egyptian Society of Cactus Amateurs. See Bull Egyptian Soc. Cact. Amat.

156.   El Paso Cact. Rock Club Bull. El Paso Cactus and Rock Club Bulletin. El Paso (USA). 1 (1959) - 3 (1961), 7 issues yearly.

A-6.   Epi News. San Diego (USA): San Diego Epiphyllum Society. 1(1977)+, monthly.

157.   Epiphytes. Newsletter of the Epiphytic Plant Study Group. Bristol (later Cannock) (GB). 1 (1968/69) - 4 (1971/73), 5 (1981)+, quarterly, issues numbered consecutively.

158.   Esoinas y Flores. San Diego (USA): San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society. 1966 (1 issue), 1967 (10 issues), without volumation, 3 (1968)+, monthly. Preceded by Cact. Succ.

159.   Essex Succ. Rev. Essex Succulent Review. Upminster (GB): Essex Branch, Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain. 1 (1963/64) +, quarterly. Last vol. seen: 19 (1982). BCSS.

A-63.   Essex Suc. Rev. Quarterly, As; from Vol.27 No.1 (March 1990) onwards A4.

A-35.   East London Succ. Cact. Soc. Mag. East London Succulent and Cacti Society Magazine. East London Succulent & Cacti Society, R.S.A. 1968+ Numbered consecutively. Twice yearly until 1979 (nos. 1-23); 1 issue 1980 (24); 2 issues 1981(25,26); 1 issue 1982 (27); 1 issue 1984 (no number or date), no further issues recd. Still published?

160.   Euphorbia J. Euphorbia Journal. Mill Valley (USA): Strawberry Press. 1 (1983) +, yearly. Originally planned to be published with 2 issues yearly, but now published in a single hard- cover vol. each year.

161.   Euphorbia Rev. Euphorbia Review. Los Angeles (USA): International Euphorbia Society. 1 (1935) - 3:2 (1937), quarterly. A reprint (xerox) has been distributed recently by Abbey Garden Press.

162.   Excelsa. Harare (Zimbabwe): The Aloe, Cactus and Succulent Societv of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia, Salisbury). 1 (1971 publ. 1972) + yearly (sometimes irregular?)

163.   Excelsa Tax. Ser. Excelsa Taxonomic Series. Harare (Zimbabwe): The Aloe, Cactus and Succulent Society of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia, Salisbury). 1 (1978) +, irregular (2 issues published up to 1983).

164.   Exotic Collection Monthly Notes and other publications by the same publisher: see Monthly Not. Exot. Coll and Monthly Not. Cact. Succ.

165.   FaS. Veröffentlichungen der Fachgruppe andere Sukkulenten. Grafenhausen-Balzhausen (BRD): Ed. S.Voss-Grosch. Floruit 1978 (4 issues), 1979 (1 issue), quarterly. Probably starting in 1977.

A-37.   Fearn Herb. Bull. Fearn Herbanum Bulletin. Abbey Brook Cactus Nursery, Sheffield, U.K. 1961. No. 1 (Oct. 1961)- as far as I am aware there were no further issues. (In spite of the title, this is only a trade list.)

166.   Feuilles pour l'étude des cactées. See Blätt. Kakt. -Forsch.

167.   Folju ta taghrif U ahbarijiet. Zejtun (Malta): Cactus and Succulent Society of Malta. 1 (1954-59), monthly irregular. No. of issues?

168.   Four C's. Wagga Wagga (Australia): Australian Confederation of Country Cactus Clubs. 1 (1979)+, bimonthly. incorporates Wagga Wagga Cactus News.

169.   Frailea. Praha (CSSR): Zpravodaj Sekce Frajleofilu KKP. 1970+, irregular (1970, 5 issues; 1971, 3 issues; 1972, 1 issue; last issue seen: 1973, No.2). GDR.

170.   Frankfurter Kakt.-Freund. Frankfurter Kakteenfreund. Frankfurt/ Main (BRD): Frankfurter Kakteenfreunde. 1 (1974) +, quarterly.

171.   Friciana. Olomouc (CSSR): C.Z.Zprav Kaktusarskeho Krouska Pri Vlastivednem. 1 (1962), 2 (1962), 3 (1963) - 6 (1966) with 7 issues per vol.; 7 (1967/68) Nos. 44-46; 8 (1972/73) Nos. 47-50. Issues numbered consecutively. Recd no. 51-not dated but probably 1976 as no. 50 was 1975. Series concluded with Vol.56, c. 1983 (according to C. Walker).GDR.

172.   Fuaux Herb. Bull. Fuaux Herbarium Bulletin. Victoria (Australia): Fuaux Herbarium (ed. L. Fuaux). Nos. 1-3 (1949), No.4 (1950), No.5 (1953), No.6 (1956), published irregularly. GDR.

173.   Fukushima Cact. Fukushima Cactus. Journal of the Fukushima Cactus Club. Fukushima (Japan). 1 (1958) + (only Nos. 1,2 (1968) seen). Data incomplete. GDR.

A-65.   The Gem. Journal of the Aloe, Cactus & Succulent Society of Zimbabwe, Mashonaland Branch. A5. A complete set is made up of 21 parts, as follows:

[1]11-241982 May
21-361982 Sept.
31-321983 Jan.
41-321983 May
51-321983 Sept.
61-281984 Jan.
71-321984 May
81-281984 Sept.
91-241985 Jan.
101-201985 May
[2]11-23[1985 Sept.] Undated
21-28[1986 Jan.] Undated
31-28[1986 Summer] Undated
41-28[1986-87 Winter] Undated
51-24[1987 Summer] Undated
61-20[1987 Sept.] Undated
71-24[1988 Feb.] Undated
81-241988 July
91-24[1989 May] Undated
101-20[1990 Mar.] Undated
111-16[1990 Sept.] Undated
Dates in parentheses are those of receipt at Cactusville, England. Succeeded by Mabukuwene Bulletin, q.v.

174.   Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Kakteenfreunde. Mittellungen Ortsgruppe Zurich. See Mitt. Ortsgruppe Zurich.

175.   Grusonia. (NL). Floruit No.22(1982), probably monthly, no further data available. [Succulenta 1983, p.91].

A-38.   Guildford & Godalming Branch Newsletter. See no. 321 below.

176.   Harrow-on-the-Hill Newslett. Harrow-on-the-Hill Newsletter. Carston (GB). Harrow-on-the-Hill Branch, NCSS. No.1 (1968) - 1972. Some issues neither dated nor numbered, some titled 'News Bulletin'. GDR.

A-66.   Harrow-on-the-Hill Branch News Bulletin. - Hatch End (GB): Harrow-on-the-Hill Branch, NCSS. Half-foolscap, mimeographed. A complete set is made up of 24 parts as follows:

1[7]1968 Jan.
2[7]1968 Apr.
3[9]1968 July
4[9]1968 Oct.
5[9]1969 Jan.
6[11]1969 Apr.
71-[15]1969 July
81-111969 Oct.
9[14]1970 Jan.
10[16]1970 Apr. Pagination erratic
[11]1-141970 Oct. Misnumbered "9"
-1-121971 Jan.
-1-8[1971 Mar.] Undated
-[8][1971 May] Undated
-[4][1971 Aug.] Undated
-[6][1971 Nov.] Undated
-[8]1972 Jan.
-[8][1972 May] Undated
-[6][1972 Oct.] Undated
-[11]1973 Jan.
-[11]1973 Apr.
-1-111973 Oct.
-1-111974 Jan.
-1-111976 May

177.   Haworthia Rev. Haworthia Review. San Carlos (USA): Succulent Liliaceae League of America. 1 (1946) - 2:3 (1948). A final issue (Revised List of Haworthia), dated 1949, was printed but not distributed; only a few copies are known to exist in private libraries. GDR.

A-67.   Haworthiad. The Haworthia Society Newsletter. Ed. A.S. Akers, Buckden, N. Yorks. AS. Vol.1. No.1 Aug.1986. Quarterly. "Newsletter" dropped from the title April 1989.

178.   Hazai Kaktusz Tukor.See Kaktusz Vilag.

179.   Help Cact. Friend. Help for the Cactus Friend [translated]. Alma Ata (USSR): Kasachian Society for the Protection of Nature, Central Commission, Section of the Cactus Collectors of Kasachstan. 1 (1974)+, ceased? [KS 76:18].

180.   Houslekes. Journal of the Sempervivum Society. Burgess Hill (GB). Ed. P.Mitchell. 10 (1979)+, 3 issues yearly. ISSN 0140-0215. Most issues contain the Societies 'Newsletter', titled Newsletter or International Newsletter. Preceded by J.Sempervivum Soc.

A-7.   Hoya Nieuwsbrief. See Addendum in Eggli (1985:119).

181.   Hoyan. (USA): The Hoya Society. 1 (1979) +, quarterly (?). Full title: 'The Hoyan'.

182.   Iconographia Cactacearum. See Blüh. Kakt.

183.   ll-Kelmteln ta'kul Xahar. See Newslett. (Zeltun).

A-39.    Illawarra Cact. Succ. J. Illawarra Cactus & Succulent Journal. Illawarra Cact. & Succ. Soc. N.S.W., Australia. 1975+ Quarterly from Sept.1975 (vol. 1 no. 8). Vol. 1 nos. 1-7 entitled Illawarra Cactus & Succulent Society News Letter (see no. 306 above).

184.   Illustrierte Monatsschrift für Kakteen. See Kakteenfreund (Mannheim).

185.   Inform.-Brief ZAG Echinopseen. Informationsbrief der Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Echinopseen". Gotha (DDR): Kulturbund der DDR, Zentraler Fachausschuss Kakteen/ Sukkulenten, Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Echinopseen. 1981+, quarterly, without volumation.

186.   Inform.-Brief ZAG Mammillaria. Informationsbrief der Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Mammillaria". Potsdam (DDR): Kulturbund der DDR, Zentraler Fachausschuss Kakteen Sukkulenten, Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mammillarien. 1975-1982 quarterly, without volumation; 1983+, yearly or irreguIar.

187.   Inform.-Brief ZAG And. Sukk. Informationsbrief der Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Andere Sukkulenten". Leipzig (DDR): Kulturbund der DDR, Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Andere Sukkulenten. 1983+, irregularIy, Issues numbered consecutively. Started with volumation (1:1, 1983), later issues without volumation.

A-68.   Inform.-Heft And. Sukk. "Die anderen Sukkulenten". A complete set comprises 15 parts, the last received at Cactusville Oct. 25, 1990.

188.   Internationaal Tijdschrift voor Succulentenliefhebbers. See Tiidschr. Int Succ. Liefhebb.

189.   International Newsletter (Sempervivum Society). See Houselekes.

190.   International Organisation for the Study of Succulent Plants, Bulletin. See IOS Bull.

191.   Internoto. Zeitschrift für Notokakteenliebhaber. div. bc. (BRD): Internationale Gesellschaft der Notokakteenfreunde e.V. 1980, 2 issues; 1981+, quarterly, without volumation. Nos. 1-2 (1980) issued as a reprint in smaller size than original in about 1982. ISSN 0722-4923.

192.   Internoto Arbeitskreis 8: Brasillcactus & Eriocactus. See Rundschreiben Internoto Arbeitskreis 8.

A-69.   ISOCS News - Quarterly Newsletter. Indian Society of Cacti & Succulents. New Delhi (India). No volumation.

2Apr.-June 1988
No.1Jan.-Mar. 1991+ Quarterly.

For 1988 and 1991 expanded Show Catalogues indude newsletter artides also.

193.   IOS Bull. IOS Bulletin. Div. loc.(GB): International Organization for the Study of Succulent Plants. Ser. 1. No.1 (1958) -No.4 (1960), no volumation. Ser. 2, 1 (1961)+, 1 or 2 nos. yearly. Preceded by IOS Circ.

194.   IOS Circ. IOS Circulars. Div. loc.(GB): International Organization for the Study of Succulent Plants. No. 1 (1955) -No.6 (1957). Continued as IOS Bull GDR.

195.   IOS, Japanese Section. See Succ. Jappon.

196.   Jahrb. Deutsch. Kakt.-Ges. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gartenbau. Pullach/Isartal (D). July 1935 - December 1936, in several parts, without volumation. Continued as Cactaceae (DKG).

197.   Jahrbücher der Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft. See Cactaceae (DKG).

198.   Jahrbücher der Schweizerischen Kakteen- Gesellschaft. See Sukkulentenkunde.

199.   Journal of the Amateur Cactus Group of Japan. See Study of Cacti (Yamatosi).


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